Sunday, September 14, 2008

Could George Bush's Presidency Be Any Worse For The Country?

We're about to find out.

George Bush was warned about bin Laden wanting to fly airliners into buildings in August, 2001. He was on vacation at the time, and there is no evidence that he took any action whatsoever. The World Trade Center towers came down in September, 2001.

He launched a war and occupation of Iraq, taking resources away from the hunt for and fight against bin Laden in Afghanistan.

He took a government surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history.

He stayed on vacation while a major American city drowned in Hurricane Katrina.

He has placed American troops in perpetual jeopardy by making it clear to the world that we do not honor the Geneva Conventions.

One of the most damaging things he has done to this country was to make Karl Rove's brand of politics successful, tempting Bush's would be successors with the notions that lying, polarization, and abuse of government power to solidify political gains can succeed.

But all this may soon pale next to the impending financial meltdown that seems about to follow the laissez-faire approach of not restricting or regulating the financial industry, an industry that seems to have turned the banks in this country into internet casinos.

Had enough?

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Saturday 10 October 2020

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