Friday, October 24, 2008

Required Stuff

I think it's time to make a list of things which have to be done by a time certain.

There is a mandatory OSHA training for Northwest Permanente that has to be done by October 31. That one is alleged to take several hours.

There is the Privileges Reappointment packet. Those are always fun. They require detailed information about every time a lawyer has rattled a sabre at you. Memory Lane. Also by October 31.

Sometime this year I have to complete Oregon Board of Medical Examiners mandatory Continuing Medical Education regarding pain control.

Hmmm, I'm running out of time to put things off.


Anonymous said...

Here's my plan for the OBME pain CME (aptly named). First, take the online course, which is a huge bore and contains essential no helpful information about actually treating pain. Done. Now, I wait for the time for reappointment and will use CME from Providence Tumor Board for the rest of the credits (5 hours). It says, CME can used that relates to treatment of pain "and/or management terminal disease". We discuss management of terminal disease all the time in Tumor Board. Third, I will contact Sudge Budden, who is on the Board and harrangue her in a subtle way, while I ask her to give me lessons in Indian cooking.

Pat Fitzgerald said...

If you get any good recipes, please share.

Saturday 10 October 2020

 Doomscrolling over my first cup of coffee. Portland, Oregon Our President says that Portland has been ablaze with anarchy for decades. Let’...