Sunday, December 3, 2017

Meal Planning

Much of the time, meal planning commences in the aisles of the grocery store, on the way home after work. The considerations include whether the sight of anything there sparks enthusiasm. I sometimes catch myself being attracted by the same meal I had the night before.

Having some themes to plan meals around could help me avoid ruts. I have great cookbooks which are rarely consulted. I think my kitchen could make a quantum jump up.

A theme that has always appealed to me is "Food Museum Night." Find the oldest thing in the cupboard, and either incorporate it into the menu or get rid of it.

Tonight that is: manicotti shells. That bulky box has occupied its real estate in the cupboard for as long as I can remember. Pulling it out now I find it partially used, with seven manacotti shells remaining.

For three people, that would make a course in a meal, but not a full meal.

Old School Ideas: The Cremaldi Cookbook has a host of manicotti fillings. I'm thinking pesto in ricotto.

That's enough ideas, I'll go with this one.

Food to walk the plank on the next Food Museum Night: black rice

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Saturday 10 October 2020

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